client portal screen shots browser windows

Software system helps NDIS providers

Flowlogic is a client management system that helps providers adapt to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It makes managing claims, invoices and reporting easier, and allows users to track participants’ outcomes and goals by providing a central place to store data.

Please see our Google Slide Show presentation at the end of the article.

Keywords: ndis, client management, dashboards, quality data, case, ndia, participants

Increased adoption by participants for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and the uptake of smartphones and tablets by organisations have changed how service delivery is conducted. And participants become more mobile, demanding reliable and flexible support under the umbrella of the NDIS.

In a competitive environment, negative experiences and poor service can lead customers to switch service providers because poor service indicates inefficiency, higher cost and lower quality of care. The high expectation of customer service provided by service organisations in the information age poses a serious challenge for providers as they have to make an exceptional impression on every customer.

We would love to hear from you. Please book a free FlowLogic webinar or call us on 1300 552 166! Alternatively, send an email to our friendly Digital Business Solution Architects. We will get back to you shortly.

ndis flowlogic software screen shots

NDIS case and participant management system

The adoption of CRM and self-serviced client portals are believed to boost the effectiveness and efficiency of clients’ service in NDIS or Aged Care community service providers. FlowPoint is a client portal and mobile-friendly website that integrates the Aged Care or NDIS client management system into a single self-service user-personalised experience. The portal acts as a one-stop-shop, or “gateway,” for users’ information and system needs.

FlowLogic and Flowpoint together give everything you need in one single solution. It brings together a complete front-end client portal with a dynamic Client Relationship Management (CRM) engine for providers, along with secure mobile website participants and families.

FlowLogic and Flowpoint deliver a simple, interactive and informative experience for the participants wherever and whenever they want, with real-time integration with the provider’s system for seamless service delivery and administration.

The portal combined enables the effective provision of services to participants in an engaging and meaningful way, whilst increasing productivity, ensuring compliance, and enhancing reporting with real-time data and analytics required under the NDIS framework.

FlowLogic and Flowpoint provide the ultimate flexibility for providers to quickly adapt and capitalise on new opportunities, deliver new solutions and services and prepare for the challenges of the NDIS. Paired with real-time reports on service compliance, cash flow, profitability across NDIA service items, house-based reporting, participant management and much more.

Best of all, it will reduce operational and staff workloads, and streamline processes whilst ensuring the provision of quality services. All are supported by a super responsive and friendly team always on hand to help whenever you need it.

NDIS participant management software checklist

  • Self, Manager or Agency Plan Management
  • Service agreements reflecting NDIS support plans
  • Compliant service delivery monitoring
  • Record all activities and goal outcomes
  • Manage self-funded elements
  • Human resource management
  • Inside Reporting financial and operational
  • Measure service delivery by third parties
  • Advanced Roster for one on one or many-to-many shifts
  • Track scheduled versus actual delivery of services and budget
  • Track income and expenditure in real time
  • Upload single or bulk claims
  • Task and Workflows
  • Role and Group based permission
  • Integration with Office 365
  • Calendars private and group based
  • Secure Document Storage

Fitted for NDIS to fasten the adoption, automates NDIS processes to provide participants with choice and flexibility while staff enjoys the workflows which enable automation. The software enables advanced NDIS client management allocation hence reducing overall administration costs.

Datanova has been delivering software solutions for employment services and other community service organisations for over 12 years. We continually refine, adapt and extend our software as the industry changes, and we are working proactively with our clients to ensure a smooth transition to the new model.

Please call a Datanova Digital Business Solution Architect on 1300 552 166 and book your complimentary Webinar or alternatively send an email to Datanova. You can book a webinar straight from our booking form here and we will get back to you shortly.

About Christian Krauter

The Founder of Datanova, a visionary and digital business solution architect with 24 years experience in the rapidly expanding fields ofinformation management systems, data governance and customer focused-strategy. Christian Krauter, is a recognised expert on analytical applications for Australian Government Services focused on improving client’s business results through cloud development, information management and data governance.