Creation of a more engaging organisation through Social Media

Social Media icons Girl standing Mental Health Disability Organisations

Social & New Media for Mental Health and Disability Organisations

What is social media in business

  • 93% of nonprofits use at least one form of social media
  • 93% of those use social media for marketing purposes
  • Only 37% use it for program delivery
  • Social Media audiences are growing faster than email and webpage audiences Sources: Nonprofit Social Networking Benchmark Report 2016, and Nonprofit Benchmark Report 2017

Understands different platforms and their applications and demographics
Uses each to their strength
Has a clear cohesive strategy in place
Follows best practices in content curation and creation
Is creative, engaging and authentic
Measures, analyses and improves

Social media are internet services where you can interact in the digital space with others and share and create content through online communities. Or you can describe Social media as a group of technologies including blogs, online networks and online collaboration tools. Popular social media services such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Snap Chat, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.
Social media in business can help you engage with your customers, generate conversation and find out what people are saying about your brand and business. The term social business does describe the concept of social learnings in online engagements with communities, the result can be applied to all parts of the organisation.
Having a Mont Blanc pen doesn’t make you a best selling author
Having the top of the line Macbook won’t make you a blogger either
Similarly, knowing the different types of platforms or being present on all them, doesn’t make you a socially savvy nonprofit.
You can also use it for advertising, promotional giveaways and mobile applications. Social media can be a trial and error experience, please do some research and planning that you can use to your business’s advantage. It’s important to have good strategies in place to expand your business, increase reach and collaborate with companies and people on a larger scale.
Do you still think that your business doesn’t need social media? Think again!
Business should care about social media because it enables interconnected alliance with everyone involved to drive improved performance and the creation of a more engaging organisation. So, if companies do not want to limit themselves in terms of knowledge and customer relationships, they should care about implementing social for business.
Define your policy and process.
Set clear goals and targets.
Track and measure your progress.
Integrate social into your overall communications/marketing plans.
Be true to your cause & it’s brand
Make it personal and interactive.


829 million people use Facebook on a daily basis, an increase from 802 million last quarter.
A significant 92% of marketers said that social media was important to their businesses. This is an increase from 86% in 2013, where only 49% strongly agreed and 37% agreed
The top two benefits of social media marketing are increasing exposure and increasing traffic. A significant 92% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. Increasing traffic was the second major benefit, with 80% reporting positive results.
In this presentation, you’ll learn about what social media is, what the facts are and how social media can help your business.
Please call a Datanova Digital Business Solution Architect on 1300 552 166 and book your complimentary Webinar or alternatively send an email to Datanova. You can book a webinar straight from our booking form here and we will get back to you shortly.

About Christian Krauter

The Founder of Datanova, a visionary and digital business solution architect with 24 years experience in the rapidly expanding fields ofinformation management systems, data governance and customer focused-strategy. Christian Krauter, is a recognised expert on analytical applications for Australian Government Services focused on improving client’s business results through cloud development, information management and data governance.