
Best National Disability Insurance Scheme Software


Datanova is an Australian based software development and service-based company focused on delivering the best and most cost-effective solutions to its clients.
Datanova shares the vision with us as the team celebrates a win in the Australian Enterprise Awards 2023.

As an advocate for adopting the digital age through a secure, cloud-based digital ecosystem, Flowlogic, Datanova’s innovative digital ecosystem, effectively minimises administration costs and maximises service deliverables by providing companies with a 360-degree view of their clients and compliance to meet the expectations of today’s market. Over the last four years, Flowlogic has become a trusted brand in the industry, and loved by our clients. Today, support organisations rely on Flowlogic for compliant service delivery and trust Datanova with the same transparency, reliability, and confidence they’ve come to expect from a trusted brand.

To prevent wasted time and resources, FlowLogic reduces administrative effort, effectively allowing staff to focus on the support of their consumers/participants and empowering their ability to achieve the goals and outcomes of Aged Care and NDIS, giving the organisation a competitive advantage. FlowLogic’s user centric interface was developed with simplicity, ease of communication, and user effectiveness in mind, thus allowing businesses to focus on the quality of the information staff are entering and to help improve overall performance and accountability. Above all, FlowLogic empowers organisations to not only perform these required tasks, it also allows them to report, analyse, and act upon system alerts, preventing possible shortfalls in business awareness.

Our systems provide the most actionable data and insights into the industry and make this data available to our clients. “We improve outcomes, operate efficiently, and meet today’s clients’ expectations by ensuring existing requirements are explicitly understood before the commencement of any work, and then soliciting feedback to ensure continuing and complete satisfaction with the services provided. Building a mutually profitable relationship with its customers is of the utmost importance to Datanova. By doing this, the firm can ensure its clients’ long-term success by understanding their needs and the needs of their participants, consumers, clients, and families.

Assessment stage:

For each category awarded a proprietary method of analysis ranks winners based on their domestic and international work. This ranking method produces a list of shortlisted firms, based on a very comprehensive set of criteria.

Datanova Award for Best Software for NDIS and Aged Care Certificate 2023

Judging stage

All votes have been received, and an independent panel of judges review the votes within each category.

The judges have assessed the following in their considerations:

  • The strategic nature of work conducted.
  • The complexity of work conducted.
  • The scale of work conducted.
  • Whether the work conducted was done so in a speedy manner and within budget.
  • If any innovative processes are used during the completion of conducted work.

The judges have been asked to focus strongly on the complexity and strategic significance of the work conducted.

The above criteria underline the importance of each firm’s recognition based on being recognised as a Global 100 winning firm.

In summary, the Global 100 program provides a benchmark of the very best of the best industry leaders, exemplary teams and distinguished organisations.

All our programs of recognition must receive no less than 24% in votes from the global readership, currently above 376,000. This policy is applied to endorse further the worthiness of the awards presented and any marketing carried out due to the process.

flowlogic product image
FlowLogiic Award Winning Software and winner three times in a row in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Your recognition is as follows:

Best NDIS & Aged Care Software Provider 2023 – Datanova Cloud Pty Ltd – Australia

The official Global 100 – 2023 edition will be published and distributed to our global readership shortly.

APAC Insider website with this year’s winners of the Australian Enterprise Awards 2023. Click here.

About Christian Krauter

The Founder of Datanova, a visionary and digital business solution architect with 24 years experience in the rapidly expanding fields ofinformation management systems, data governance and customer focused-strategy. Christian Krauter, is a recognised expert on analytical applications for Australian Government Services focused on improving client’s business results through cloud development, information management and data governance.