NDIS Flowlogic COVID-19 update

To our valued clients and partners,

I am reaching out to you to confirm our strong commitment to you during the ongoing coronavirus situation. Through these extraordinary times, on behalf of Flowlogic, I extend our thoughts to you and your family, especially if you experiencing financial and other stress due to the coronavirus outbreak.

I want to give you confidence in the capability of the Flowlogic team to prudently manage Flowlogic and Flowpoint and throughout this challenging period, we continue to operate on a relatively normal basis. We are here for you.

NDIA is introducing a number of changes for registered providers to assist in the expected temporary increase in costs to deliver supports due to the COVID-19 virus.

We have been working to ensure Flowlogic is ready for you to continue to deliver supports to participants and updated  Flowlogic to implement the about advance payment, pricing increases and changes to cancellation policy into the software.

NDIA is introducing a number of changes, including:

  • An advance payment to registered providers
  • A temporary 10 per cent increase to the price limit of some Core and Capacity Building supports
  • Changes to the cancellation rules
  • Introducing three new support coordination items under Core Supports

Temporary 10 per cent increase Effective 25 March 2020, price limits for some supports have been increased temporarily. These supports include:

  • Assistance with Daily Life (excluding Supported Independent Living)
  • Assistance with Social and Community Participation
  • Improved Health and Wellbeing (excluding personal training)
  • Improved Daily Living Skills
  • Cancellations

Effective 25 March 2020, participants will be required to give 10 business days’ notice for a cancellation if they want to avoid paying the full fee for a cancelled service. Previously, participants were required to give two business days’ notice.

From 30 March, providers will also be able to claim 100 per cent of the agreed support price when a participant cancels a service at short notice (up from 90 per cent).

Three new support coordination items under Core Supports

Effective 25 March 2020, participants can flexibly use their Core or Capacity Building budgets for support coordination. To allow participants to use their funds more flexibly, three new support coordination items have been introduced to the support catalogue under Core Supports, Assistance with Daily Life as follows:

01_790_0106_8_3 – Level 1: Support Connection
01_791_0106_8_3 – Level 2: Coordination Of Supports
01_793_0106_8_3 – Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination
The new lines items duplicate items already claimable under Capacity Building Supports.

I hope this information helps you in this anxious and uncertain time. You can stay up to date on the situation, please visit the Price Guide page for more information about advance payment, pricing increases and changes to cancellation policy Please call a Datanova Digital Business Solution Architect on 1300 552 166 and book your complimentary Webinar or alternatively send an email to Datanova. You can book a webinar straight from our booking form here and we will get back to you shortly.

About Christian Krauter

The Founder of Datanova, a visionary and digital business solution architect with 24 years experience in the rapidly expanding fields of information management systems, data governance and customer focused-strategy. Christian Krauter, is a recognised expert on analytical applications for Australian Government Services focused on improving client’s business results through cloud development, information management and data governance.