implement ndis search animation

Implementing NDIS software for Participant Management can be a risky undertaking. It is filled with uncertainty and change. Hidden obstacles lurk around every corner. Implementing NDIS Participant Management software isn’t just a job – it’s an adventure! And we haven’t even started talking about software yet.Because implementing the NDIS software program is an adventure, we … Read more


NDIS Roster of Care (RoC) | NDIS Roster Software Keywords: NDIS; NDIA; Roster of Care; National Disability Insurance Scheme; NDIS Roster Software; Disability Service Providers should develop a Roster of Care (RoC) using the Assistance with Daily Living price limits to help the NDIA decide the type of support to include in a participant’s plan. … Read more

A cloud-based employment ID card build right into your Flowlogic that enables to issue digital ID cards for mobile devices. You can choose from our standard templates and we can customise the design for you, according to your cooperate branding, as well. Our NDIS MyAgedCare ID card management system allows NDIS and My Aged Care … Read more

flowpoint client self-service portal promotion teaser hero image

With over 10 years of industry experience we provide Social CRM, eCRM, Case Management and mobile-ready Cloud Solutions for NDIS, Aged Care, Social Services and JobActive. FlowPoint, a highly sophisticated client self-service portal built and optimised for Australian Community Service Providers to stay compliant, competitive, productive and profitable

NDIS software data driven dashboards better decision-making

Providing timely and effective services in the NDIS and My Aged Care requires the management of individual participants or clients as well as the flow and demands of the entire organisation. Dashboards visualise a consolidated set data for a certain purpose which enables users to see what is happening and to initiate actions through information … Read more

cloud based automated workflows conceptional screen

Unfortunately, many processes throughout the NDIS journey today are still slow and inefficient. This is often due to an NDIS Service providers reliance on systems not talking to each other, paper forms and lack of personalised workflow automation software technologies to provide organisations with a powerful, intuitive, and affordable cloud-based solution. Keywords: tasks, workflows, dashboards, … Read more

Bulk Payment Request Software for the NDIA Screen 05

The NDIS participant portal is called myplace. It is a secure website portal on the Australian Government’s myGov website where you or a person you trust (a nominee or child representative) or an NDIS Service Provider can access your NDIS information. To make it easier to find and use information further enhancements have been made … Read more

NDIS Case Management Software

Introducing an Advanced Cloud NDIS Case Management Software Solution Please see our Google Slide Show presentation at the end of the article or download our brochure here. What is effective case management? Case management is a process, encompassing a culmination of consecutive collaborative phases that assist clients to access available and relevant resources necessary for … Read more

Healthcare-CRM 2.0-E-Health

CRM 2.0 within E-Health Systems: Towards Achieving Health Literacy & Customer Satisfaction. The term e-health is an emerging field at the intersection of healthcare, Information Communication Technology, and business process, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies. Keywords: Healthcare: CRM 2.0 within E-Health, CRM 2.0; HIS; Social … Read more

CRM Nursing Documentation System in Residential Aged Care Woman Wheel Chair

How to implement Aged Care NDIS Case Database Management & CRM 2.0 as a strategy for managing interactions and communication with patients/participants/clients which involves using Information and Communication Technology to organise, automate, and coordinate business processes. CRM with the Web technology provides Community Service and Healthcare Providers the ability to broaden service beyond its usual … Read more