Mobile marketing: communication for an individual user

Mobile marketing: communication for an individual user


Mobile social media: The new hybrid element of digital marketing communications It is difficult to imagine our lives without mobile phones. According to a the Household Use of Information Technology Australia in 2014-15, “Australians on an average own 3 digital devices and ownership of many digital, mobile and connected devices has reached critical mass. … Read more

Digital innovation strategy: improving digital service innovation


Digital innovation strategy: Framework for diagnosing and improving digital product and service innovation The perils and promises of the digital world. Digital technology has become increasingly important as companies seek to achieve their business goals. However, recent research has highlighted difficulties in evaluating the value generated by digital technology investments. In the 1990s, the first … Read more

Gamification marketing campaigns


Gamification marketing campaigns: What is gamification? Experts seem to agree that gamification relates to the use of game design in non-game environments. In the past few years, gamification concepts have been successfully applied to a variety of fields such as consumer products, education, idea competitions, citizen science and marketing. Goals of these applications include increasing … Read more

Interact with consumers through online communities

SMEs Best practice social marketing strategy

SMEs Best practice social marketing strategy The internet has created many new ways businesses can reach consumers. These include online marketing tools such as blogs, podcasts and social media. Businesses can overcome geographical barriers and interact with consumers through online communities and social networks. Academics analysed the best practices related to the use of social … Read more

Embracing adoption of Cloud computing

Cloud Computing IT Workforce Slow Adoption conceptual blog hero shoot

The Slow Adoption of Cloud Computing and IT Workforce Cloud computing created many new opportunities for organisations across the world. Presently, Cloud services are available at affordable prices and accessible for all scales of businesses. The economic benefits of this wider acceptance of adopting Cloud computing are enormous, and many companies have embraced Cloud computing … Read more

The importance and benefits of m-marketing

Mobile CRM Business benefits mobile marketing

Mobile CRM: Business benefits mobile marketing The use of mobile phones in Australia represents an outstanding business opportunity. Almost 80% of Australians surveyed have one, an increase of nearly 10% on last year. There are roughly 15 million smartphones in use in Australia and that doesn’t include the millions of used devices stashed in drawers, … Read more

The art and science about content marketing

Content Marketing New Trends Marketing Strategies Featured Image Hero Blog Post

The Review of Content Marketing as a New Trend in Marketing Strategies Content marketing can be defined as a management process where a firm identify, analyse and satisfy customer demand to gain profit with the use of digital content distributed through electronic channels. Information is integral to marketing. There is a close relationship between marketing … Read more

CRM starts from a business strategy and philosophy


CRM as a marketing attitude Effective CRM systems, or customer relationship management, relates to the aspects of exchange that a business has with its customers. But CRM isn’t just a piece of software – it covers all aspects of an organisation which has a relationship with the customer. CRM examines how a business works with … Read more